My first ever hackathon experience — DBS
This was my best and greatest experience I have ever had in my life. This hackathon is part of the recruitment process of DBS.
Round 1(Online Challenge):
First round was an online challenge on HackerEarth. This challenge consisted of around 20 MCQs mostly about Java, javascript and OOPs based concepts.
Round 2 (Hackathon):
Based on the online challenge score, we were invited for the Hack2Hire Hackathon at DBS Hyderabad.
DBS Hack2Hire 2021 by DBS Bank where almost more than 2500 participants were registered out of which about 90 participants got shortlisted.
The event started at 8 a.m with fun activities which includes quiz, guess the name and many more.
Then the hackathon started at 10 a.m.
They had already decided our teammates.
After that we went to our assigned rooms to the respective table given to us. (virtually on Microsoft Teams, due to COVID)
Each table was assigned with a table coach/Tech recruiter and a HR mentor who were actually observing us during the hackathon. The table mentor had a casual discussion with every member of the team about their experience and certain interesting things that they found our resumes.
Then our hackathon started with explaining our ideas. We got only 4 hours. We were given with 4-5 problem statements and had to pick one. We choose to develop a banking application where I majorily worked on the backend of the application with Springboot and Postman. Based on the functionalities that we implemented, we were given points.
After the hackathon, top 5 teams were chosen to present the ppt to the judges.
Our team unfortunately didn’t get selected but it was great learning experience as I got to interact with a lot of experienced people.
After the hackathon results, our table coaches announced the shortlisted candidates for the HR interview. And luckily, I was selected too. After the Hr Interview, I got the offer.

P.S. The best part about the hackathon is I won 2 amazon vochers of worth 3500*