Introduction to Angular — Part 1

Hardeep Kaur
2 min readMar 27, 2021


Angular is a framework for JavaScript for building client applications in HTML, CSS and TypeScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which means any JavaScript code can be compiled into TypeScript.

We need Angular because we want to build our application in a faster and an easier way.

Pre-requisites :

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. TypeScript

Tools to be installed:

  1. Node (npm)
  2. Angular CLI
  3. Any suitable IDE (Visual Studio Code, preferred)

Building our first Angular Application :

On cmd, you can execute the following command to create your new application

ng new your-new-proj-name

Command for creating new application in angular

Now, we will move to that project folder using the following command

cd proj-folder-name

and after that, we will use the following command to compile our application & to host it on the local port (4200 is the default port)

command to compile our application

now, you can paste the url to your browser (http://localhost:53161/) and see your application.

Feel free to play with app.component.html file and display it in your browser.

To be continued…………

