Introduction to Angular — Part 1

Hardeep Kaur
2 min readMar 27, 2021


Angular is a framework for JavaScript for building client applications in HTML, CSS and TypeScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which means any JavaScript code can be compiled into TypeScript.

We need Angular because we want to build our application in a faster and an easier way.

Pre-requisites :

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. TypeScript

Tools to be installed:

  1. Node (npm)
  2. Angular CLI
  3. Any suitable IDE (Visual Studio Code, preferred)

Building our first Angular Application :

On cmd, you can execute the following command to create your new application

ng new your-new-proj-name

Command for creating new application in angular

Now, we will move to that project folder using the following command

cd proj-folder-name

and after that, we will use the following command to compile our application & to host it on the local port (4200 is the default port)

command to compile our application

now, you can paste the url to your browser (http://localhost:53161/) and see your application.

Feel free to play with app.component.html file and display it in your browser.

To be continued…………



Hardeep Kaur
Hardeep Kaur

Written by Hardeep Kaur

Software Engineer at Google, Ex- Smallcase

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