Angular — Part 2

Hardeep Kaur
1 min readApr 24, 2021


Building Blocks of Angular :

Each Angular application can be thought of as a collection of components. And Each component is a folder consisting of html file, typescript file and style files. Let’s understand them in detail :

  1. Components : Components are the building blocks that compose an application. . In the typescript file, we have a decorator that specifies the following Angular-specific information:
  • A CSS selector that defines how the component is used in a template. HTML elements in your template that match this selector become instances of the component.
  • An HTML template that instructs Angular how to render the component.
  • An optional set of CSS styles that define the appearance of the template’s HTML elements.

To learn more about components, visit

Components also make your application easier to unit test and can improve the overall readability of your code.

2. Templates : Every component has an HTML template that declares how that component renders. We can define this template either inline or by file path.

To learn more about templates, visit :

